مع التطور السريع لتقنية إنترنت الأشياء, كواحدة من تقنياتها الرئيسية, يتم استخدام RFID على نطاق واسع في التكنولوجيا, كما أن متطلبات أداء النظام تزداد أعلى فأكثر.
عندما يتعلق الأمر بعلامات RFID المضادة للمعادن, هناك بشكل أساسي علامات مضادة للمعادن UHF كاملة النطاق, علامات عالية الحرارة المضادة للمعادن, small size anti-metal tags, ultra-thin flexible anti-metal tags, animal ear tags, car tags, classic anti-metal tags, إلخ.
Flexible anti-metal label (للطباعة) has certain flexibility, can be bent, suitable for metal surface, has good metal resistance, good direction, مسافة قراءة طويلة, suitable for surface assets such as metal cylinder, can be applied to RFID asset management , Cylinder tracking, التحكم بالمرور, إدارة الخدمات اللوجستية, إدارة البضائع الخطرة, إلخ.
Flexible metal-resistant RFID tags for any business asset.
Flexible Metal-Resistant RFID Tag: Made of Durable Flame Retardant 4 (FR-4) laminate, can withstand high temperatures of 2000°C (can be put in oil) and can withstand pressures up to 15-bar.
بالاضافة, the label can withstand vibration and mechanical shock, and is resistant to chemical hazards such as sulfuric acid and salt water.
Users can customize the standard data of read and write flexibility RFID anti-metal electronic tags to make special application systems more efficient.
RFID anti-metal tags are suitable for frequency hopping working mode with super anti-interference ability.
The effective reading distance of RFID anti-metal tags can reach more than 8 متر (related to the read head and antenna).
The RFID anti-metal electronic tag is designed with an ultra-wide working frequency band, which not only conforms to relevant industry regulations, but also can be flexibly developed and applied.
It can read and write multiple flexible RFID anti-metal tags (up to 50/sec) في نفس الوقت, which is not limited and affected by the number of tags in the work area.
The storage area provides users with encrypted reading, writing, erasing and rewriting operations, and opens a permanent dedicated word area for designated users.
RFID anti-metal electronic tags do not need batteries, the memory can be repeatedly erased and written more than 10,000 مرات, and the effective service life can reach more than 10 سنوات, and the cost performance is relatively high.