Lado Avesso, a women’s fashion brand headquartered in Maringa, Paraná, Brazil, adoptedRFID chip in clothing tags this year after successfully testing RFID chip in clothing..Lado Avesso, a women’s fashion brand headquartered in Maringa, Paraná, Brazil, adopted RFID chip in clothing tags after a successful test. Veridiana Silva, IT manager of the fashion brand, disse: “With the implementation of, the operation process can be more comprehensively managed and has more flexibility. Hoje em dia, the use of RFID chip in clothing tags are causing customers to become more aware of technology. Interest in use.”
Lado Avesso’s original purpose of adopting technology is to simplify the company’s delivery and billing process, and to track products in the supply chain. “The cost reduction of RFID chip in clothing tags made our project feasible. We started testing RFID chip in clothing tags at the beginning of 2020. After the implementation of the RFID chip in clothing tags project, all of our businesses began to use technology for production and planning. Fee.”According to Veridiana, the most challenging part of project implementation is the operational process, as this requires cooperation with all departments of the company, from cutting, production and development to the final part of the company’s revenue. She believes that “the cooperation of the entire company is very important to the success of such a project”, and even the stylists have been affected by the new technology.“We can print all labels without the help of external agencies. RFID chip in clothing tag has brought changes to warehouse management such as the separation of materials in factional processes. Inicialmente, etiquetas que usavam apenas códigos de barras foram fabricadas internamente, que também exige que os funcionários aceitem o novo processo. Treinamento.”
Um dos benefícios da introdução do chip RFID na etiqueta de roupas no processo é unificar as etiquetas usadas para roupas. Veridiana explicou mais detalhadamente: “We have maintained the circulation of parts while speeding up the process. Another benefit is the process of checking the goods inside the faction, which is part of our development using the attributes of RFID chip in clothing tags.”Lado Avesso has approximately 1,600 direct and indirect employees and approximately 20 million customers, and sells in more than 1,500 cities in Brazil, with a history of more than 30 anos. According to its founder, Lado Avesso is a women’s fashion brand, “sua principal característica é a atitude estética que valoriza a elegância moderna da mulher.” A marca se destaca pela qualidade de seus jeans (o principal produto da empresa).Hora extra, a empresa analisou as tendências mundiais e o perfil de consumo do mercado brasileiro, e expandiu a influência da marca para o segmento de moda.Uma compreensão abrangente dos benefícios do estoque traz benefícios que se estendem desde a linha de produção, because the product receives the RFID chips in clothing label once it is manufactured. Thanks to the good cooperation with RFID chips in clothing Manufactures, Lado Avesso’s project has been successful and has become a positive experience. “If someone asks me if I will restart the entire deployment process, I will definitely say yes.”Lado Avesso is currently considered to be one of the fastest growing women’s brands in Brazil. Just as the company’s website says: “This is our development process. We always pay attention to providing high-quality products with bold designs and reasonable prices. We strive to bring more perfect series every season, always in line with the latest fashion Trends are related to the consumer needs of the target audience.”