Beverage kegs, gas cylinders and other curved metal returnable transport items (RTI) place high and quite particular demands on RFID tags.
High-performance on-metal tags are used for identifying and tracking beverage kegs, gas cylinders and other curved metal RTI under bulk reading conditions. The product range consists of UHF tags for adhesive mounting on metal surfaces, and PCB tag for embedding into covers.This specific tag placement also contributes to superior reading characteristics that allow 100% reading rates even when palettes or truckloads with up to 50 kegs pass a UHF RFID gate.The PCB tag is optimized for embedding or inserting into the cover which then acts as a casing. Carefully optimized for this environment to get superior reading characteristics. Another strong benefit is that they forego the need for welding. All are hence suitable for building into new kegs as well as for retrofitting existing ones.