IT Asset Inventory 2
1. RFID inventory scanning is faster and more accurate
With our RFID asset tracking solution, one of our customers, Brookhaven National Laboratory. They tracks their IT assets in addition to their lab equipment. Ultimately enabled them to reduce audit time from 3 months to 3 weeks! Auditing with RFID takes less than one-tenth the time required for auditing with barcode readers.
2. RFID IT asset inventory is fast and efficient, and the frequency increased
With the exception of mobile devices such as laptops and tablets, we tend to expect little change for most IT equipment. However, this is often not the case. Devices may be removed because they are not functioning properly. It was soon tucked away in a closet full of clutter – invisible and unknown. And when employees retire or move departments, their equipment may be moved for other uses. All of this happens without the asset manager’s knowledge. Here are a few reasons why year-end audits are often such a protracted nightmare.
Because RFID scanning is so efficient. Asset managers are able to take stock snapshots on a regular basis throughout the year. Not just one inventory survey at the end of the year. This allows them to detect lost items earlier. With less time elapsed, owners of lost devices can often still remember where things are. This allows for quick adjustments to asset inventory. And asset locations can also be updated during periodic scans. So, when the year-end audit arrives, there are few surprises about lost equipment.
3. one-click check inventory audit
Reconciliations can also take too long after the audit is complete. Finding the difference between the lists of assets you scanned. And the list given to you by the finance people (financial list) is tricky. RFIDHY’s IT asset tracking solution enables one-click reconciliation. And automatically adjusts the list of scanned and found assets in the financial list. The system can also provide a list of assets that still need found in the financial list. And a list of assets that have been found but not in the financial list.
Keyword: RFIDHY Warehousing NFC tag RFID Solutions